The rise of synthetic opioids and subsequent illegal methods for obtaining them, has brought with it a danger for those working as first responders, law enforcement officers, medical professionals, mail handling employees and forensic lab technicians.
According to the CDC, an average of 130 Americans dies each day due to an opioid overdose. The unfortunate reality is that not all of these deaths are attributed to addiction. A number of those deaths are related to workers who are exposed to the dangerous drugs.
How can you better protect your staff from opioid exposure? The
Purair SafeSEARCH ductless containment enclosure from Air Science® is specifically designed to protect technicians, public service workers, and other high-risk employees from synthetic opioid particulates and unknown powders.
You can learn more about how ductless fume hoods protect your employees from opioid exposure in our latest brief titled
"Understanding Opioids."