Purair® BIO Biological Safety Cabinets - Exclusive Spring Offer
NSF BSC package (includes: Adjustable Height Base Stand, UV Lamp, Duplex Outlets) available for $6,095 (plus freight) - expires May 31, 2019.

Constructed without costly, complex microprocessor controls, the Purair BIO Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC) offer user-friendly operation with low energy consumption.
The Purair BIO BSC is certified for safety and performance in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 49 and EN12469 which certifies Class II, Type A2 laminar flow cabinets are suitable for working with biosafety agents at levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. Air Science 4-foot models are certified by NSF.
HEPA filtration of downflow and exhaust paths provides a primary containment work area for life science research, cell culture processing and other applications where protection of the user, the work product, and the environment and mitigation of cross-contamination on the work surface are needed.
Key Features:
The Purair BIO does not use a costly, and overcomplicated microprocessor-based controller. Our basic electronic control system provides simple and reliable oversight of all cabinet systems.
Our design is based on a single, energy-efficient EC Brushless DC Motor and air circulation system which manages airflow at all critical points including inflow, downflow and exhaust. There is no need for dual motor synchronization, balancing and expense.
Front access to both HEPA supply and exhaust filters encourage quick, safe filter removal and replacement by an authorized technician.
To learn more about the key features and benefits of Purair BIO visit our product page. Contact us today to get our exclusive spring offer.
