Ensure Continued Lab Safety with Filter Replacement, Servicing and Testing Services
It is important to change filters regularly, depending on how much you have used your fume hood. Even with infrequent use, your filters must still be changed and it’s the best way to ensure personnel are protected.
Servicing your fume filtration equipment regularly can minimise equipment failures and prevent harmful vapors from being recirculated into the air, ensuring the safety of operators.
Filter Service Maintenance Program
We offer a full range of quality HEPA and carbon filter replacements for all makes of fume cupboards and safety cabinets, providing filters with more than 14 formulas that can effectively protect operators from a variety of organic and inorganic chemicals. Our Filter Service Maintenance program is designed for customers desiring turnkey filter and management and includes our lowest price filter guarantee.
We offer expert assistance throughout the life of your product, from specification to installation to inspection. This includes expert compliance certification of the materials and processes for which the equipment was designed and properly installed and ongoing inspection and maintenance requirements.
Make Filter Orders Easier
Order your replacement filters quickly and easily online.
Filter Change Scheduling
Our Filtco Safety Management (FSM™) program gives you turnkey safety management of your ductless technology equipment and ductless filters. In addition to assistance throughout the life of your product, we guide you through filter saturation tests and replacement procedures and provide Annual Filter Change Reminders to ensure continuous safe unit operation.
Filter Disposal Services
As a certified waste carrier, our Secur™ Safe Disposal Service allows you to dispose of saturated filters responsibly during your annual service visit.
Forensic Industry Services
Our ForensicClean™ services are available to provide safe cleaning and preparation of evidence drying, storage and processing cabinets where biohazards may exist and where DNA must be removed and safeguarded from cross-contamination.
