Forensics Evidence Processing from Start to Finish
Forensic products from Air Science, including the Safefume Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers, the DWS Ductless Downflow Workstations and the Safekeeper Evidence Drying Cabinets, allow crime lab scientists to capture latent fingerprints on almost any surface.
Safefume Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers are designed to safely develop latent fingerprints using cyanoacrylate (CNA) vapor in a controlled environment for optimum effectiveness and safety where moisture and fuming time are critical factors.
DWS Ductless Downflow Workstations protect both the user and the environment from hazardous vapors generated on the work surface. The open side design allows larger items to be handled in the work zone without interfering with the operator's range of motion.
Safekeeper Evidence Drying Cabinets were developed to protect evidence, such as DNA, on surfaces that require drying, additional processing or storage. The drying cabinets provide tamper resistant compartments to maintain the chain of custody.
